「ポール・マッカートニー写真展1963-64~Eyes of the Storm~」六本木ヒルズ展望台 東京シティビュー

「ポール・マッカートニー写真展1963-64~Eyes of the Storm~」六本木ヒルズ展望台 東京シティビュー

名称:「ポール・マッカートニー写真展1963-64~Eyes of the Storm~」六本木ヒルズ展望台 東京シティビュー
会場:六本木ヒルズ展望台 東京シティビュー
観覧料:一般 2,600円
    学生(大・専門・高校生) 1,800円
    子供(4歳〜中学生) 1,000円
    5月18日(土)10:00~ 前売券販売開始
    絵柄付きスペシャルチケット 2,600円
住所:〒106-6150東京都港区六本木6-10-1 六本木ヒルズ森タワー52階

John and George, Paris. 1964
© 1964 Paul McCartney.
MPL Communications
© National Portrait Gallery, London.
Exhibition curated by Sir Paul McCartney with Sarah Brown on behalf of MPL
Communications Limited and Rosie Broadley for the National Portrait Gallery, London, and
presented by Fuji TV.
John and George, Paris. 1964 © 1964 Paul McCartney. MPL Communications © National Portrait Gallery, London. Exhibition curated by Sir Paul McCartney with Sarah Brown on behalf of MPL Communications Limited and Rosie Broadley for the National Portrait Gallery, London, and presented by Fuji TV.

◆ ポール・マッカートニー
ポール・マッカートニーは、20世紀から21世紀にかけての偉大な文化人の一人として知られています。リバプールに生まれ、ビートルズのメンバーとして国際的な名声を得た後、グループ「ウィングス」のリーダーとなり、その後ソロ活動も成功させました。代表作に「Yesterday」「Hey Jude」などがあり、世界的にも最も個性的なソングライターの一人です。

Ringo Starr, London 1963-4
© 1963 4 Paul McCartney.
MPL Communications
© National Portrait Gallery, London.
Exhibition curated by Sir Paul McCartney with Sarah Brown on behalf of MPL
Communications Limited and Rosie Broadley for the National Portrait Gallery, London, and
presented by Fuji TV.
Ringo Starr, London 1963-4 © 1963 4 Paul McCartney. MPL Communications © National Portrait Gallery, London. Exhibition curated by Sir Paul McCartney with Sarah Brown on behalf of MPL Communications Limited and Rosie Broadley for the National Portrait Gallery, London, and presented by Fuji TV.
Self portraits in a mirror. Paris, 1964
© 1964 Paul McCartney.
MPL Communications
© National Portrait Gallery, London.
Exhibition curated by Sir Paul McCartney with Sarah Brown on behalf of MPL
Communications Limited and Rosie Broadley for the National Portrait Gallery, London, and
presented by Fuji TV.
Self portraits in a mirror. Paris, 1964 © 1964 Paul McCartney. MPL Communications © National Portrait Gallery, London. Exhibition curated by Sir Paul McCartney with Sarah Brown on behalf of MPL Communications Limited and Rosie Broadley for the National Portrait Gallery, London, and presented by Fuji TV.
Paul McCartney, self portrait, London 1963-4 © 1963-4 Paul McCartney. MPL Communications © National Portrait Gallery, London. Exhibition curated by Sir Paul McCartney with Sarah Brown on behalf of MPL Communications Limited and Rosie Broadley for the National Portrait Gallery, London, and presented by Fuji TV.
Paul McCartney, self portrait, London 1963-4 © 1963-4 Paul McCartney. MPL Communications © National Portrait Gallery, London. Exhibition curated by Sir Paul McCartney with Sarah Brown on behalf of MPL Communications Limited and Rosie Broadley for the National Portrait Gallery, London, and presented by Fuji TV.



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