
But in truth, the first creatures were driven from the sea. They fled. That's why so many of us get seasick. A mudskipper crawled onto the beach, raising its head. "Look," he said, beholding the vast expanse. "Thousands of miles of flat nothing." Fish swim through water endlessly; no end to the water they swim. Birds fly through sky ceaselessly; no end to the sky they fly. There is no reason. We skipped the light fandango, though in truth we were at sea. She said, "I'm home" leaving for the coast. Darkness covered the empty earth; The Spirit hovered over waters. Let there be waters teeming with life, birds multiplying on earth. All that moves in sea and sky, each according to its kind, merely drifted through the world. Evening fell, then dawn broke. 2024|182.0×260.7 cm|アクリル、カンヴァス Photo©️Shu Nakagawa

展示室:企画展示室 1F/3F
時間:10:00~18:00 (最終入場時間 17:30)

2024|224.0×363.5 cm|アクリル、カンヴァス
Photo©️Shu Nakagawa
タイトル:未定 2024|224.0×363.5 cm|アクリル、カンヴァス Photo©️Shu Nakagawa

日本を代表する造形作家であるとともに、建築や環境文化圏計画、絵本、ロボット開発などの幅広い表現領域を手がけ、さらには文化全般にわたる批評家としても活躍してきた岡﨑乾二郎(おかざきけんじろう 1955-)の核心に迫る東京における初の大規模な展覧会です。

But in truth, the first creatures were driven from the sea. They fled. That's why so many of us get seasick. A mudskipper crawled onto the beach, raising its head. "Look," he said, beholding the vast expanse. "Thousands of miles of flat nothing." Fish swim through water endlessly; no end to the water they swim. Birds fly through sky ceaselessly; no end to the sky they fly. There is no reason. We skipped the light fandango, though in truth we were at sea. She said, "I'm home" leaving for the coast. Darkness covered the empty earth; The Spirit hovered over waters. Let there be waters teeming with life, birds multiplying on earth. All that moves in sea and sky, each according to its kind, merely drifted through the world. Evening fell, then dawn broke. 2024|182.0×260.7 cm|アクリル、カンヴァス Photo©️Shu Nakagawa
But in truth, the first creatures were driven from the sea. They fled. That’s why so many of us get seasick. A mudskipper crawled onto the beach, raising its head. “Look,” he said, beholding the vast expanse. “Thousands of miles of flat nothing.” Fish swim through water endlessly; no end to the water they swim. Birds fly through sky ceaselessly; no end to the sky they fly. There is no reason. We skipped the light fandango, though in truth we were at sea. She said, “I’m home” leaving for the coast. Darkness covered the empty earth; The Spirit hovered over waters. Let there be waters teeming with life, birds multiplying on earth. All that moves in sea and sky, each according to its kind, merely drifted through the world. Evening fell, then dawn broke. 2024|182.0×260.7 cm|アクリル、カンヴァス Photo©️Shu Nakagawa



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  1. 「うつす美 ─ 江戸時代の絵画学習」京都府京都文化博物館
  2. 企画展「石のワンダー」愛媛県総合科学博物館
  3. 特別陳列「洞窟から探る人類史 東南アジアの洞窟遺跡」奈良県立橿原考古学研究所附属博物館