「MIND TRAIL 奥大和 心のなかの美術館」奈良県 吉野町、天川村、曽爾村

「MIND TRAIL 奥大和 心のなかの美術館」奈良県 吉野町、天川村、曽爾村

名称:「MIND TRAIL 奥大和 心のなかの美術館」奈良県 吉野町、天川村、曽爾村
会場:奈良県 吉野町、天川村、曽爾村
プロデューサー:齋藤精一(株式会社アブストラクトエンジン 代表取締役)
  吉野エリアキュレーター 西尾 美也(美術家/奈良県立大学准教授)
  天川エリアキュレーター 菊池 宏子(アーティスト)
  曽爾エリアキュレーター 西岡 潔(写真家/アーティスト)
  エリア横断キュレーター 指出 一正(『ソトコト』編集長)
  吉野・天川・曽爾|KIKI、菊池 宏子+林敬庸、齋藤精一
  吉野|井口 皓太、黒川 岳、幸田 千依、西尾 美也、力石 咲、中﨑 透、三原 聡一郎
  天川|上野 千蔵、覚 和歌子、金子 未弥、木村 充伯、国本 泰英、菅野 麻依子、山田 悠
  曽爾|岩田 茉莉江、岡田 将、熊田 悠夢、小松原 智史、坂本 大三郎、鈴木文貴、長岡 綾子 、西岡 潔、野沢 裕

奈良県 奥大和移住・交流推進室
〒643-0003 奈良県橿原市常盤町605-5 橿原総合庁舎3階
TEL : 0744-48-3016(月曜日〜金曜日 8:30〜17:15)※土・日曜・祝祭日・年末年始を除く
TEL : 090-7947-1289

「MIND TRAIL 奥大和 心のなかの美術館」奈良県 吉野町、天川村、曽爾村
「MIND TRAIL 奥大和 心のなかの美術館」奈良県 吉野町、天川村、曽爾村
「MIND TRAIL 奥大和 心のなかの美術館」奈良県 吉野町、天川村、曽爾村
「MIND TRAIL 奥大和 心のなかの美術館」奈良県 吉野町、天川村、曽爾村

OKUYAMATO MIND TRAIL Museum in your mind

period: Sat, 9, October – Sun, 28, November 2021 open everyday
venue: Yoshino, Tenkawa, Soni, Nara prefecture
entrance fee: free
organizer: Executive secretariat of Okuyamato CR Promotion Committee, Nara prefecture, Yoshino town, Tenkawa village , Soni village
cooperation: SONI Agri&Forestry Promoting Corporation , Yamap Inc. , HOUEI FORESTRY
producer: Seiich Saito(Representative, Abstract Engine Co., Ltd.)
curators: Yoshinari NISHIO(Artist / Associate professor, Nara Prefectural University)|Yoshino area
Hiroko KIKUCHI(Artist)|Tenkawa area
Kiyoshi NISHIOKA(photographer / Artist)|Soni area
Kazumasa SASHIDE(editor-in-chief of Sotokoto)|Cross-area curator
artists: all area|KIKI, Hiroko KIKUCHI+Takatsune HAYASHI, Seiichi SAITO
Yoshino area|Kota IGUCHI, Gaku KUROKAWA, Chie KODA, Yoshinari NISHIO, Saki CHIKARAISHI, Tohru NAKAZAKI, Soichiro MIHARA
Tenkawa area|Senzo UENO, Wakako KAKU, Miya KANEKO, Mitsunori KIMURA, Yasuhide KUNIMOTO, Maiko SUGANO, Haruka YAMADA
Soni area|Marie IWATA, Susumu OKADA, Yumu KUMADA, Satoshi KOMATSUBARA, Daizaburo SAKAMOTO, Fumitaka SUZUKI, Ryoko NAGAOKA, Kiyoshi NISHIOKA, Yutaka NOZAWA

general inquiry:
Executive secretariat of Okuyamato CR Promotion Committee tel:0744-48-3016 nanbu@office.pref.nara.lg.jp

press inquiry:
iroiro Inc. tel: 090-7947-1289 press@iroiroiroiro.jp

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WHY WALK?なぜ歩くのか?

同時に、Stay Home期間中、人は結果として土に触れ、自然を見ることで理由の無い落ち着きを取り戻し「人間とは?」「自然とは?」「環境とは?」「いのちとは?」など答えなき哲学的な問を考える機会にもなりました。

WHY ART?なぜアートなのか?




Perhaps many people have realized that their sensitivity towards neighbor surrounding and environment, and even towards one’s own body condition, has elevated due to increased chances of physical walking during the spread of Covid-19. Also in the event of “Stay Home” period, people had time to touch and work with soil in gardens or to take closer look at nature, which brought about a peaceful state of mind. This also provoked opportunity to ponder over some philosophical questions with no definite answer, such as what are human beings, nature, environment or life all about. Leveraging the vast land of Okuyamato in Nara, a walking art festival will be held. Now that we are in a difficult moment, this event aims to inspire people to walk on their own feet and to feel about themselves and the nature through a lens of art. Launched in 2020, the second round of this event this year in 2021 will provide even more encounters, enabling visitors to embrace nature and be a part of activities of the community in this region through “walking”.


Since last year and continuing into 2021, numerous art festivals have been canceled or postponed due to Covid-19. Being in a moment when even traveling across prefectures to visit museums is difficult, some may feel vacant, not being able to express themselves through normal activity they used to be engaged in. One must visit art museums or art festivals in order to tangibly feel art. Perhaps this unprecedented situation could be an opportunity to create a museum on the spot where each individual stands and also in one’s mind (=museum in the mind). In the nature indigenous to Okuyamato, could we somehow take all the energies that have been accumulated over this period of world’s overwhelming changes in how we deal things in our lives, and express them through works created by artists? This is the concept that we worked around with to start this art festival in 2020 last year. Visitors to this art festival will be inspired by many new findings from nature, as well as through contacts with the local people residing in the community.

「MIND TRAIL 奥大和 心のなかの美術館」奈良県 吉野町、天川村、曽爾村
「MIND TRAIL 奥大和 心のなかの美術館」奈良県 吉野町、天川村、曽爾村



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