「九十六歳 大樋陶冶斎展 Anniversary of 96yeas Ohi Toyasai Exhibition」日本橋三越本店

作品名:大樋流釉茶盌 サイズ:径12X高8㎝

名称:「九十六歳 大樋陶冶斎展 Anniversary of 96yeas Ohi Toyasai Exhibition」日本橋三越本店
会期:2023年7月12日(水) ~ 2023年7月17日(月·祝)
会場:本館6階 美術特選画廊 最終日午後5時終了
住所:〒103-8001 東京都中央区日本橋室町1-4-1
TEL: 03-3241-3311
URL: 日本橋三越本店


作品名:大樋飴釉茶盌 サイズ:径11.8X高9㎝


36 years have passed since he succeeded the name of the Ohi Chozaemon X in 1987 while continuing to present modern ceramic works as Ohi Toshiro. After passing the name of Ohi Chozaemon to the next generation, he uses his name Ohi Toyasai as a new artist name.
His achievements, such as being recognized as a Person of Cultural Merit and receiving the Order of Cultural, are too numerous to mention, and his presence in the ceramic art world has had a great influence on the art world.
This exhibition will showcase his works that trace the history of his ceramic art, as well as his current works that continue to challenge him even at the age of 96.
We hope that you will enjoy viewing his many paths of expression that have been created through his continuous research, thought, and challenge.

日本橋三越本店個展によせて 大樋陶冶斎
癸卯 盛夏
大樋陶冶斎 (年朗・十代長左衛門)
Greetings from Toyasai Ohi
Solo Exhibition
Nihonbashi Mitsukoshi
When I was a child, I loved those white rabbits with the red eyes and have precious memories as if I was hopping around with them in play. I realize that I am now ninety-six years old, having been born in 1927 the Year of the Rabbit.
This particular year is known as the Year of the Water Rabbit. I have experienced the twelve-year Asian zodiac cycle eight times and am so grateful for having lived to such a ripe old age. It is surely due to my parents and the gods and buddhas.
My life continues to change.
I usually wake up each morning to find my grandson Yuki sleeping by my side. But now the room seems empty as he is now married.
My eldest son’s wife prepares breakfast for everyone.
In my study I write and draw.
In the workshop I work with clay.
Then, in the tearoom I leisurely have a bowl of tea free from all the cares in the world.
Each day comes and goes while I live forever in the protection of my family and the many people around me.
My competitive spirit has slightly waned, but I am still not ready to give up all to my eldest son and grandson.
Until I draw my last breath, I wish to keep living and producing works of art.
Year of the Rabbit
Ohi Toyasai (Chozaemon X・Toshiro)


作品名:大樋黒釉朱釉茶盌 サイズ:径12×高8㎝

大樋 陶冶斎(十代大樋長左衛門 年朗) 略歴
Toshiro Ohi Toyasai (Chozaemon X)
1927 九代大樋長左衛門の長男として石川県金沢市に生まれる
1949 東京美術学校(現・東京藝術大学)工芸科卒業
1987 十代大樋長左衛門を襲名
1991 大樋長左衛門、加山又造、勅使河原宏三人展開催(東京)
1992 日本の陶芸「今」100選展(NHK・フランス政府主催)パリ展・日本展招待出品
1999 日本芸術院会員就任
2002 大樋長左衛門の世界展(石川県立美術館主催)
2004 文化功労者顕彰、それにより金沢市名誉市民称号授与
2011 文化勲章受章、 それにより石川県名誉県民称号授与
2012 台湾国立台南藝術大學より名誉博士号を授与 
2015 北陸新幹線金沢駅舎にて陶壁「日月の煌き」制作
2016 大樋陶冶斎を襲名
2021 壺中日月長 大樋陶冶斎のまなざし展開催(石川県立美術館)
2022 陶壁の設計、展示、監修 石川県立図書館 「加賀 能登」
2022 陶壁の設計、展示、監修 金沢市立玉川こども図書館「世界はひとつ」の壁

1927 Born in Kanazawa city, eldest son of Ohi Chozaemon IX
1949 Bachelor of Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts
1987 Succeeded to the name of Chozaemon Ohi X
1991 Three-Man Exhibition “Play in Ohi,” collaborated on works at the Ohi Studio with Painter Kayama Matazo and Sogetsu Flower Arrangement Grand Master Teshigahara Hiroshi in Tokyo
1992 Japanese Ceramics (Now) Tour Exhibition in Paris and Tokyo, sponsored by the
Government of France and NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation)
1999 Member of Japan Art Academy
2002 The World of OHI CHOZAEMON” sponsored by Ishikawa Prefectural Museum of Art
2004 Received the Person of Cultural Merits from the Japanese Government, Received an Honorary Citizen of Kanazawa City
2011 Received the Order of Culture from the Japanese Government, Received an Honorary Citizen of Ishikawa Prefecture
2012 Received the Honorary Doctorate of Tainan National College of Arts, Taiwan
2015 “Ceramic Mural Glow of Sun and the Moon” New Kanazawa Station Promenade (for Hokuriku Shinkansen)
2016 Succeeded to the name of Ohi Toyasai
2021’Kocyu Jitsugetu Nagashi The gaze of Touyasai Ohi’, Ishikawa Prefectural Museum of Art
2021 Interior Space designed & Mural, Ishikawa Prefectural Library ‘Kaga Noto’
2022 Interior Space designed & Mural, Kanazawa Municipal Tamagawa Children’s Library ‘The world together as one’



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